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Need Help With Thermal Spray Equipment?

Jun 18, 2014
SuperFlash Compressed Gas Equipment carries a variety of combustion powder thermal spray equipment, as well as parts and accessories for this type of equipment. With some of the highest quality and most durable equipment available, SuperFlash can help get you setup to spray for the first time, or provide you with the right repair parts for the SuperFlash, IBEDA, Hühne® , Bohler® or UTP® spray equipment you already own. 
Mini Spray Jet

Thermal Spray Jet

The Mini Spray Jet is designed for universal application where wear and corrosive protection have to be considered. They are suitable for both manual application and application with a manipulator (like robots or linear units). Mini Spray Jet’s light weight makes it ideal for mobile and manual applications.

Uni Spray Jet 

Combustion Powder spray torch for use with hot and cold process thermal spray using a variety of powders and substrates. The Uni Spray Jet has all the features of the Mini Spray Jet as well as increased durability and productivity features.

* Integrated powder transport system

* With the integrated gate valve, many types of transport gases can be used

* Overhead position through removable and 180° changeable powder connection

* Just one powder connector with adjustable slider for different capacities

* Lever to turn gas on and off without changing the settings (Uni Spray Jet and Uni Spray Jet-SE)

* Model for connection of one external separate powder feeder (Uni Spray Jet-SE)


Duraloy and Duraloy Plus

Powder spray torch for thermal spraying with self-fluxing alloys and melting at the same time. Most types of metal can be coated with the Duraloy and the Duraloy Plus torch, provided that the melting point is higher than the working temperature of the alloy. During the operation, the powder particles pass through the flame and onto the surface of the work piece. The bonding is achieved by fusion with the parent metal. In comparison to the Duraloy, the Duraloy Plus torch offers an even more comfortable handling by the integrated quick action shut-off valve. When operation is interrupted, the gas mixture, which was adjusted previously, is maintained. Therefore, it is not necessary to spend any time re-adjusting the mixture when setting up the re-operation.

Click here for more information about our thermal spray equipment.

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Posted By Kristen Cifranic in Thermal Spray Equipment, Mini Spray Jet, Uni Spray Jet, Duraloy, Duraloy Plus

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