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New Spark Speaks Online Classes

Aug 27, 2014

SuperFlash added three new online classes to its "Spark Speaks" series of online courses for gas safety! This NEW series of FREE online courses is perfect for welders, supervisors, or anyone who uses oxygen and / or fuel gas with their job.

1. Intro To Compressed Gas And Welding Gas Safety 
This course covers the characteristics of gases, explaining the difference between oxygen and fuel gas and what safety features should be used for each gas.
2. Choosing The Proper Flashback Arrestor For Your Application
Goes into detail about the following topics:
  • How accidents occure

  • How flashback arrestors work

  • The different types of flashback arrestors and where they should be placed on equipment (torch and regulators)

  • Calculations of flows and pressures
3. How To Prevent Welding And Compressed Gas Accidents
Different regulations from OSHA and CGA are discussed to include the training requirements and equipment maintenance to meet these regulations. We also review the most common accidents with welding and gas safety.

For more information, and a list of class dates and times please give us a call 888-327-7306.



Flashback Arrestors (8)
General (7)
Welding (6)
Business (4)
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